
This script help you to find the information about temp tablespace files in oracle database.Call the script @tblspc_temp_files.sql Click here for tblspc_temp_free.sql Please share this Blog with your colleagues or friends. Your suggestions and feedback are very helpful for everyone who come to this site and learn it from oracleocpworld.com.Please comment here for your any query … Read more


This script help you to find the information about temp tablespace usage in oracle database.Call the script @tblspc_temp_free.sql Please share this Blog with your colleagues or friends. Your suggestions and feedback are very helpful for everyone who come to this site and learn it from oracleocpworld.com.Please comment here for your any query related to above post. … Read more


This script help you to find the information about tablespace usage in oracle database.Call the script @tblspc_files.sql Click here for Tablespace usage in oracle database Please share this Blog with your colleagues or friends. Your suggestions and feedback are very helpful for everyone who come to this site and learn it from oracleocpworld.com.Please comment here for … Read more


This script help you to find the information about tablespace usage in oracle database. Call the script @tblspc_free.sql Please share this Blog with your colleagues or friends. Your suggestions and feedback are very helpful for everyone who come to this site and learn it from oracleocpworld.com.Please comment here for your any query related to above post. … Read more

Displays information about PGA usage for each session

This script help you to find the PGA usage in oracle database. Call the script @pga_usage.sql Lists all invalid objects in the database Please share this Blog with your colleagues or friends. Your suggestions and feedback are very helpful for everyone who come to this site and learn it from oracleocpworld.com.Please comment here for your any … Read more

Lists all invalid objects in the database

This script share the details of all invalid objects in oracle database. Displays temp usage for all session currently using temp space Please share this Blog with your colleagues or friends. Your suggestions and feedback are very helpful for everyone who come to this site and learn it from oracleocpworld.com.Please comment here for your any query … Read more

Displays temp usage for all session currently using temp space

You can create this script and call it @temp_usage on sqlplus prompt to check the all session are currently using temp space. Please share this Blog with your colleagues or friends. Your suggestions and feedback are very helpful for everyone who come to this site and learn it from oracleocpworld.com.Please comment here for your any query … Read more

ORA-02049: timeout: distributed transaction waiting for lock

ORA-02049: timeout: distributed transaction – Application team reported this error ORA-02049. Some of the jobs are getting failed which are fetching data from remote servers using the DBlink.When we looked the issue we found the application team not used proper commit; within transactions and they are fetching the data in bulk from RAC environments. Cause: … Read more

Changing the NLS_CHARACTERSET to AL32UTF8 / UTF8 (Unicode)

Changing the NLS_CHARACTERSET to AL32UTF8 – This article help you to convert character set of database form WE8ISO8859P1 to AL32UTF8 in 12c or 19c database. What is the DMU (Database Migration Assistant for Unicode) tool? DMU is a GUI based tool that is more intuitive than csscan/csalter and automate a lot of the conversion process … Read more