How to reconfigure Oracle Restart

How to reconfigure Oracle Restart – In this article I am going to share steps of re-configure the HAS(high availability services) on GRID Machine.

Today I had to reconfigure an Oracle Restart 12c environment, and I want to share with you all who are working on oracle platform. If these steps help to anyone please comment on this blog and share it with your colleagues.

This Blog is about reconfiguring the Oracle Restart & One reason for such action might be the server rename. If the server was renamed and then rebooted, the ASM instance startup would fail with ORA-29701: unable to connect to Cluster Synchronization Service.

[grid@testserver01 ~]$ crsctl start has

CRS-4124: Oracle High Availability Services startup failed.
CRS-4000: Command Start failed, or completed with errors.

Here to solve the above errors you need to re-configure the HAS services to re-link the binaries to bring up the HAS services.

Remove Oracle Restart configuration : Run it as root owner

/grid/gi/12.1.0/crs/install/ -deconfig -force

The expected result is "Successfully deconfigured Oracle Restart stack".

The expected result is “Successfully deconfigured Oracle Restart stack”.

Reconfigure Oracle Restart

This step should be performed by root owner.


The expected result is "Successfully configured Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Standalone Server"

Add ASM back to Oracle Restart configuration

srvctl add asm

The expected result is no output, it will return to the operating system prompt.

Start ASM instance

srvctl start asm

It should start the ASM services

Sometime there will be no ASM initialization or server parameter file. We need to create the ASM parameter file and start the ASM instance.

Recreate ASM server parameter file (SPFILE)

Below steps should be performed in GRID owner.

Go to $GRID_HOME/dbs and check the ASM parameter file if not found then re-create it with below parameter and do the changes in diskgroup naming as per your environment.

[grid@testserver01 dbs]$ cat init+ASM.ora
+ASM.__oracle_base='/grid/gridhome/app/grid'#ORACLE_BASE set from in memory value
+ASM.asm_diskgroups='TESTX_DATA','TESTX_REDO','TESTX_FRA'#Manual Mount

Login to ASM instance with parameter file.

sqlplus / as sysasm

Create the ASM parameter file.

create spfile='+TESTX_DATA' from pfile='$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/init+ASM.ora';

Shu immediate

SQL> show parameter spfile

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
spfile				     string	 /grid/gi/12.1.0/dbs/spfile+ASM
SQL> create pfile from spfile;

File created.

Restart HAS stack

Below steps should be performed by GRID owner.

crsctl stop has

crsctl start has

Add the database to Oracle Restart Configuration

Add Database

srvctl add database -d testx -o /testxdb/db/12.1.0

Add the Listener to Oracle Restart Configuration


srvctl add listener -l LISTENER -s -o /grid/gi/12.1.0/

Start the LISTENER services

srvctl start listener -l LISTENER

Check the status of LISTENER

srvctl status listener -l LISTENER

For more details you can follow Oracle Support documentation

How to Reconfigure Oracle Restart on 12c / 12.1 (Doc ID 1570358.1)

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