Installation of Weblogic 12c – we need Java Development Kit(JDK) and then install the 12cR2 ( WebLogic Server.
In this article I have shared the steps for installing weblogic server software on Linux machine. The version I have used is 12cR2 ( WebLogic Server.
Oracle WebLogic Server is a platform for developing, deploying and running enterprise applications, such as Java, for on-premises and in the cloud. WebLogic Server offers a robust, mature, and scalable implementation of Java Enterprise Edition (EE).
Installation of Weblogic 12c
You can download weblogic software from Oracle Fusion Middleware Software Downloads
Create the directory for installing weblogic server.
mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/middleware12c/
chmod -R 777 /u01/app/oracle/middleware12c/
JDK 1.8 installation directory:
tar -xvf jdk-8u241-linux-x64.tar -C /software/
cd /software
Below directory will be created after extract the above tar file.
Command Options:
- x: Extract
- v: Verbose output
- f: File to extract
- C: The tar command changes the current directory to the once specified.
Set the JAVA_HOME variable to where the JDK is installed.
$ export JAVA_HOME=/software/jdk1.8.0_241
Set the PATH which include the bin directory of the JDK
$ export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
I have created tmp directory under /u01/tmp. Temporary space required during the installation.
mkdir -p /software/tmp
chmod -R 777 /software/tmp
export TMP=/software/tmp
export TMPDIR=/software/tmp
To set the DISPLAY
export DISPLAY=:1
xhost +
Note- I used the :1 port on VNC server to connect with my test machine you can check it your end.
Installation of WebLogic server
cd /backup/WebLogic_Software12C/Fusion_Middleware_Infrastructure12C
-bash-4.2$ unzip
-bash-4.2$ ls
To install the Oracle 12c WebLogic Fusion Infrastructure run the below command from Weblogic directory where you have unzip the files.
-bash-4.2$ /software/jdk1.8.0_241/bin/java -jar fmw_12.
Extracting files......................
After checking the temp and swap space available on machine and all checks will be passed then you will get the graphical interface.
Use the below guidelines to install the weblogic software.
First screen you will get.
Skip Auto Updates
Installation location – Enter /u01/app/oracle/middleware12 and Click Next
Installation Type – Select the Fusion Middleware Infrastructure, Click Next
Prerequisite Checks – When all prerequisite are 100% successful, Click Next
Check the configuration path.
Installation Progress – Check the progress and successful completion of the installation, Click Next
Installation Complete – Click Finish.
Close the Terminal window.
To learn about Weblogic introduction Click on Oracle DBA Guide for Oracle Weblogic server
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