ORA-02049: timeout: distributed transaction waiting for lock

ORA-02049: timeout: distributed transaction – Application team reported this error ORA-02049. Some of the jobs are getting failed which are fetching data from remote servers using the DBlink.When we looked the issue we found the application team not used proper commit; within transactions and they are fetching the data in bulk from RAC environments. Cause: … Read more

Changing the NLS_CHARACTERSET to AL32UTF8 / UTF8 (Unicode)

Changing the NLS_CHARACTERSET to AL32UTF8 – This article help you to convert character set of database form WE8ISO8859P1 to AL32UTF8 in 12c or 19c database. What is the DMU (Database Migration Assistant for Unicode) tool? DMU is a GUI based tool that is more intuitive than csscan/csalter and automate a lot of the conversion process … Read more

ORA ERROR > ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel

ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel – In this Blog I am going to share my experience with you all on below ORA error. To fix this error we need to first check the oracle database alert logfile to find the cause of the issue. There are many reason to get this error in database so … Read more

How to reconfigure Oracle Restart

How to reconfigure Oracle Restart – In this article I am going to share steps of re-configure the HAS(high availability services) on GRID Machine. Today I had to reconfigure an Oracle Restart 12c environment, and I want to share with you all who are working on oracle platform. If these steps help to anyone please … Read more